Mission Statement
The mission of the Faculty Senate of Odessa College is to facilitate and to improve the lines of communication between faculty and administration regarding academic and professional affairs. Its objectives are:
- to provide a means to improve the communication between and within the various departments with respect to academic and professional matters;
- to enhance the role of the faculty in educational and professional decision making and policy making
- to provide the teaching faculty with the opportunity to register its voice in the development of academic and professional policy; and
- to provide a means to measure and to consider the problems and suggestions of the faculty relative to academic and professional matters.
Brance Davis - Faculty Senate President bdavis@ehulk.net
Samuel Hval - Faculty Senate Vice President shval@ehulk.net
Clint Wilson - Faculty Senate Secretary cwilson@ehulk.net
Health Sciences
Geneo Roberts - Nursing groberts@ehulk.net
Joshua Hardt - Geology jhardt@ehulk.net
Thebuwana Jayarathne - Chemistry tjayarathne@ehulk.net
Business & Industry
Donna Kilgore - Cosmetology dkilgore@ehulk.net
Robert Collins - Welding rcollins@ehulk.net
Liberal Arts and Education
Gwendolyn Davies - Photography gdavies@ehulk.net
Ivie Ero - Speech iero@ehulk.net
Brian Christopher - Mathematics bchristopher@ehulk.net
Kelly Smith - History ksmith@ehulk.net